I'm Almer!I'm Almer!
A Software Engineer & Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Eng. ITS
A Software Engineer & Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Eng. ITS
These are a brief description of my experience
PT. Bank Mandiri
PT. Bank Mandiri
PT. Sigma Cipta Caraka (Telkomsigma)
Bangkit Academy by Google, GoTo, & Traveloka
Multimedia & Game Event 7 (MAGE 7)
Here is a list of some of my best projects, feel free to check them out!
#mobiledev #investment #outsystems
A mobile app for students to learn about personal finance and investment using low-code development platform, Outsystems.
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#webdev #nextjs #supabase
A music streaming web, complete with auth & subscription payment using Typescript, Next.js 13, TailwindCSS, Supabase, & Stripe.
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#webdev #vite #ecommerce
An on-progress passion project of e-commerce website for fragrances, made using JS, Vite, React.js, & TailwindCSS.
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